An Introduction of the Theme of 2020-2021 of HKCCCC


The theme:The Christian Discipleship of Today (I Timothy 4: 7-8; 6:

The objective: The formation of a dedicated community of faith

Four aspects of implementation:

  1. Living out Godliness
  2. Witnessing Christ with Joyfulness
  3. Serving God with Whole-Heartiness
  4. To be the salt and the light of the world with perseverance

(Aspect 1) Living out Godliness

1.1 The Biblical Foundation

In the Bible, godliness is interpreted as to adore and to admire God. This adoration and admiration is derived from, and through, the truth of God. To live out godliness means to submissively follow God’s way. Sanctify/Sanctification is another Biblical term understood as to meaning to be completely guided by God. Whoever is in Christ should have a totally different way of life. Jesus taught His disciples that though they were not of the world, they would be sent into the world and yet living with a sanctified life. Therefore a Christian with godliness has to meditate and practice God’s word always, to follow the teachings of Jesus and to manifest the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

1.2 The Theological Understanding of CCC

With the Reformed Confession and the Ecumenical Movement as its theological heritages, CCC emphasizes the teachings and learning of the Bible and the praxis as well. All CCC members are nurtured to acknowledge the teachings of the Bible as the supreme standard of faith and life. At the same time, the CCC churches are committed to preach and to serve by proclamation and through ministries so that people will have the fullness of the gospel of Christ.

1.3 The Contextual Situation

The world now is full of information and comments. Christians are challenged by the diverse views from the socio–economic,
technological, political, and cyber world. These challenges have become an emergent force confronting the values and virtues which
have been exercised by Christians for centuries. In order to combat the challenges from the secular world, Christians have recognized the need for Biblical teaching for their godliness through a devoted spirituality and the exercising of a Biblical daily life.

1.4 The Initiatives for Practice

Christians: To mediate on God’s words each day and to recognize God’ s will as guidance of words and deeds
Churches: To facilitate a movement of Reading the Holy Scripture for the whole congregation so that all the church members will
continuously be renewed
Schools: The principals and Christians teachers will use the Biblical passages for their personal witness while the chaplains will use the same for student leadership formation
Services: All services are based on Biblical principles so that all people can receive God’s love irrespective of identity and social status.

(Aspect 2) Witnessing Christ with Joyfulness

2.1 The Biblical Foundation

The mission of Jesus Christ is to seek and to save the lost. Christ has commissioned His disciples to preach the gospel and to make disciples of all nations. The church is a community of confession being saved by God so as to testify to the wonderful deeds of God. Since the Pentecost all Christians are called to be the witnesses of Christ to the end of the earth.

2.2 The Theological Understanding of CCC

Every church is an evangelistic church for Christ. Church unity is to manifest the oneness in Christ so that people may believe. All who believe in Christ are the messengers of the gospel irrespective of their race, gender, identity and vocation. Evangelical ministries can be carried out by proclamation and services, within and beyond the church boundary and through the life and work of Christians.

2.3 The Contextual Situation

Some people commented that Christian evangelism emphasizes personal salvation and neglects social issues. Furthermore, there are people who receive baptism just for taking advantages from the church. Also there are Christians who separate their daily life from their church life. These examples in fact have weakened the transformational power of the gospel both for individuals and for the community at large.

2.4 The Initiatives for Practice

Christians: To take every opportunity to share the gospel of Christ to whoever they meet such as family members, friends, classmates and colleagues in workplaces.
Churches: To facilitate all church members to become an ambassador of the gospel so that they can share their faith wherever they are.
School: The principals and Christian teachers will become ambassadors of the gospel. The chaplains will provide training for the students for evangelism.
Services: All clients can recognize the love of Jesus through the services provided. To empower church members to serve others as taught by Jesus.

(Aspect 3) Serving God with Whole-Heartiness

3.1 The Biblical Foundation

God called Moses to be His servant to liberate the Israelites from Egypt so that they could become His people and serve Him. When Jesus addressed the Third Temptation from Satan, His answer was to worship and to serve the Lord God only. Thus every Christian should recognize that to worship and to serve God are the essential factors of our spirituality (Rom 12:1).

3.2 The Theological Understanding of CCC

Based on the Reformed Confession and the Ecumenical theology, to proclaim Jesus as our Lord and Savior and to commit ourselves, and to serving and glorifying God are the fundamental expressions of our faith (I Corin. 10: 31).

3.3 The Contextual Situation

The world is globally connected and much information flow freely. Every day there can be massive input consuming our time and energy. Our concentration may shift from God’s words to the secular and professional knowledge of men. At the same time we may even forget that our vocation is to serve God. Therefore we should re-prioritize our life and work so that we can live according to God’s way.

3.4 The Initiatives for Practice

Christians: Through regular meditation to assess our spirituality and vocation.
Churches: To organize programs of meditation and to empower Christians to develop their personal vocation.
School: To encourage the principals and Christian teachers to exercise regular meditation. To serve the members in schools in Christ’s way where Christians can manifest their dedication and commitment.
Services: To encourage the Christian workers to exercise regular meditation so that they can carry out quality services with God’s love.

(Aspect 4) To be the salt and the light of the world with perseverance

4.1 The Biblical Foundation

The maxim of Jesus on the salt and the light of the world is an imperative discourse. Christians are mandated to be the salt and the
light of the world. This can be practiced by worshiping God and serving the people (Matt 22: 37-40). Otherwise we will be discarded by God.

4.2 The Theological Understanding of CCC

The 1st clause of the Doctrinal Basis of CCC implies that serving others is a significant expression of witnessing to Christ. The missional orientation of HKCCCC is to exercise proclamation and service in parallel for evangelizing both the individuals and for transforming the community.

4.3 The Contextual Situation

There are people who think that churches have more concern for numerical growth and self-development than caring for the needy and the community at large. Also there are views expressed that religious communities should focus on spiritual matters and not be socially involved. Since we confess Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior who is also the Lord of the world, our participation in transforming the world is inevitable and obligatory.

4.4 The Initiatives for Practice

Christians: To integrate faith and daily life and practice the function of being the salt and the light in families, schools and workplaces.
Churches: To equip members to serve their neighbors and to display a positive attitude through their faith in Christ.
School: Through Other Learning Experience programs and extra-curriculum activities, teachers and students are empowered to
serve the community.
Services: To manifest God’s love by providing quality services and to offer skills training courses for Christians to serve their neighbors.